Addax warehouse in Onne Port in Nigeria

Addax warehouse in Onne Port in Nigeria
Addax warehouse in Onne Port in Nigeria uploaded by Dan Keeney. All Rights Reserved.
The operator of Joint Development Zone Block 4, Addax Petroleum, has provided ERHC with this photo of operations at the company's shore base in Onne Port in Nigeria. The pictures shows the Addax warehouse. As of a few days ago, the Deepwater Pathfinder was in the process of leaving for Equatorial Guinea where it will undergo a survey of its hull. The plan was for Addax's work boats to rendezvous with the Deepwater Pathfinder along its journey to off load materials so operations can commence immediately upon its arrival in Block 4 in the next week or so.
Taken on: July 26, 2009
Camera: FinePix F650